Get to know what's on the surface!

Alright my fellow redheads, let's get to know what’s on the surface!  

So what are undertones anyways?  Often times we choose our foundation, liquid or powder, based on our skin tone. Be it ivory, beige, medium, tan etc. - we look at the surface of our skin and try to match.  But your skin tone changes with sun exposure, lack thereof, or simply overtime. Today we see many online cosmetics companies, including Redhead Revolution, prompting buyers to choose a foundation based on their  skin’s undertones, but if you don’t know what that is, then it isn’t much help. So here goes, Finding your skin’s undertones 101:

First, your skin’s undertones lie just below the surface of the skin and regardless of whether you skin hasn’t seen the sun in months or you just got a tan- it stays the same.

Second, there are three undertone categories: cool (pink, or bluish undertones); warm (yellow, peachy, golden undertones); neutral (mix of warm and cool).


 So which are you? Here are a few tests to help you determine which category you fall into.

1.  Look at the veins on your wrist: Are they blue or green? If they are blue or blue-purple, then you most likely have cool undertones. If they are greenish, then you’re warm.  And if you have both blue and green veins then you are neutral.

2. Hold up a piece of silver or platinum jewelry and a piece of gold. Now, regardless of which one you like more, which one looks best against your skin? Girls with cool undertones tend to look better in silver and platinum metals, while warm-toned girls look better in gold.

3. The neutral shade test: think about which neutral shade looks best on you. Does a bright white or black hue flatter you best? Or ivory and brown/tan shades? If it is the former, then you are most likely cool-toned, while the latter means you are warm.

Now that you have discovered your skin’s undertones, you will be better able to choose a foundation/moisture tint that will flatter rather than clash.  Knowing your undertones also help you determine which colors will look better on you- be it clothing or lipstick. But that’s for another post….

Now go be merry whether you be cool, warm or neutral!


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Mary Ellen December 1 2023

. I have very fair skin that is peachy pink. I do not tan. I look much better in gold jewelry and warm colors. I think it is not completely accurate to say that if you tan you have warm skin. I do not tan and I have warm looks like you have some very nice products.

Suz October 14 2022

Helpful overall, yes, but I still have no idea which tinted moisturizer to try! I’m pretty sure I’m considered “neutral” due to blue and green wrist veins, go tos being navy and brown, and the fact that even though I prefer silver, gold actually looks better. So, which tinted moisturizer? Fair, light, or medium? Thanks!

Polly June 4 2022

I’ve always considered myself a cool skin toned redhead—blue/purple veins, burn easily—but my best metal color is rose gold and my go to neutral is navy! I also am not very freckled so I think I must be quite an odd combination.

Doreen February 5 2017

Thumbs up! Your article is helpful, but I am highly likely between a warm and a cool redhead-neutral. When I buy lipsticks, am I better off with those that are more for warmer or cooler redheads?

Jenn August 11 2016

Oh PS: Forgot to mention that another distinguishing factor between warm and cool redheads is: are you able to tan at all? Cool redheads essentially don’t tan, and usually sunburn very easily. I might turn 1/4 shade darker in summer. But I know a redhead who tans easily and some that are sort of in-between. Those gals are the warms.

Jenn August 11 2016

Great blog post. You would think with the internet, this info about warm and cool redheads would be more widely known by now, but it’s not. I didn’t figure out what color lipstick to wear until I was 40 years old!

Kelli July 31 2016

I am a 40’s something woman – who happens to be a natural redhead (that does not have add any color). And I have always had problem with finding the right tinted moisturizer (did I spell that right). Are there any suggestions as to what might be an effective way to find the right color – when your skin tone seems to defy all logic.

Ginger2Faulkner January 21 2015

This was very helpful. Thanks! I’m a natural redhead, as is my daughter, as is my mom. All 3 of us have different skin tones and different hair colors. I’m forwarding to them both.